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期貨中國(guó)專訪Michael Patak:交易員必須無(wú)條件自信

最新高手視頻! 七禾網(wǎng) 時(shí)間:2011-10-08 19:48:59 來(lái)源:期貨中國(guó)

About trading aptitude, quality

7hcn.com21: Generally speaking,what type of common traits or qualities the live trades who have successfully completed the combine program share?

Michael Patak:The traders all share a deep passion for the markets, deep passion for personal growth, patience and extreme self-awareness. Most importantly being accountable of their actions and learning from them each and every day.


7hcn.com22: In order to become the top trader, do you think it depends on one’s talent or hard-working?

Michael Patak:It is a combination of both, some traders are naturally gifted, but regardless it takes consistent hard-work to stay in-tune with the market and compete with other traders in the market place. This is something that all top traders know is a day to day challenge.


7hcn.com23: Can you please elaborate on the importance of discipline in trading?

Michael Patak:Disciple is the foundation of a good trader. If you are not already a disciplined trader, and are not willing to put in the hard work required to become disciplined in the market place, then this is not the business you want to enter. Discipline allows a trader to accept losses, maximize opportunities and learn from good and bad days. Discipline allows you to weather any market condition and as a trader conditions are always changing. Focusing on your discipline, not letting emotion take control, and learning how to anticipate market behavior rather than getting lost in the noise, will keep you in the trading game.


7hcn.com24: In today’s financial markets, all kinds of information could cause market volatility? How do you handle unexpected events?

Michael Patak:I handle unexpected events by being prepared and in-tune with the market, and recognizing that these events can happen at any time. If I am in-tune with the market that I am trading and adequately prepared for any type of event I will be able to maximize the opportunity as it presents itself.


7hcn.com25: Nowadays, more and more people switched to program-trading whether in US or in China. Which one do you think is more advantageous, program-trading or discretionary trading? Why?

Michael Patak:Program trading is usually designed by traders with the help of programmers. You must first be a trader to understand a strategy you want to implement into a program. I believe that traders need to co-exist with the computer in today's market and going forward. But in the end you must be a trader to design a strategy for computer based trading or implement your own discretionary trading to survive in this market.


About China

7hcn.com26: What is your impression on China?

Michael Patak:I believe there are huge amounts of opportunity and untapped talent in China. It is TopstepTrader's goal to mine for trading talent and place them on a live trading account. I believe that Chinese traders have a large amount of passion for the markets and I also believe they have an extremely solid work ethic. Both of these characteristics are keys to becoming a successful trader. TopstepTrader is excited to see the level of talent that will surface from China.


7hcn.com27: Do you welcome Chinese traders to come to US to exchange ideas and learn from you?

Michael Patak:Without a doubt, I'm always open to learning from others on their view of the market. Since I am passionate about trading I am always open to learning from others and exchanging ideas to better my trading as well as theirs.


7hcn.com28: Are you looking forward to coming to China to meet with Chinese top traders?

Michael Patak:Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia are the closest I have come to China. I am extremely excited and look forward to having the opportunity to visit your beautiful country to meet, discuss, and learn more from the top Chinese traders. I hope this opportunity comes sooner rather than later.


m.levitate-skate.com Futures China

Questions by Liang Shen, Translated by Yin Niu




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